Friday, July 11, 2008

Driving pe gyaan

For me the direct outcome of a fruitful life is independence, and that brilliantly comes along when you are let to travel. Mind you 'LET' to travel. Exploring new stuffs and bla bla is still left for the future but what about today? An 18 year old when comes and says, "heyyyyyy u knw wha???? i gotta license man!!!". Talkin as if its the license to kill!! Well in this case i'm talkin about the driving one!

In an average mediocre mind the issue of having a car and driving it comes with the wonderful imagination of the dreaded haunts- the clutch, the gears, the track changing, the parking and the wonderful realisation of population, traffic! "Bandra reclamation pe chala re!! kya full on majaa aaya!!" yea RITE!

For the amazing drivers with the natural talent of driving [unlike me!] might overcome the above criterias with an ease! But my 'without a choice put into it' 2nd problem is, being a woman! Some, [hah whom am i kidding] ALL men in this world cant stand a woman driver. Be the man on the road walkin, the driver in the parallel car or in the same car itself!

I'm sure i dont need to explain the rebel that rushes against the woman driving. "She cant even pick the car up or what????"... "who let her on the road???"..."mayn they should ban ladies license!!"..."ma, you let it be, wait I'll drop you".. "Beta you are still young to manage it.." these ARE the men speakin, in their own way of protesting!

Not being chauvinist of course but even I at times have realised cursing a girl driving the car just cuz she looked at me her eyes saying, "poor you still catchin a rick!!" yea yea i knw she dint say that but still.. i feel jealous of the women who can drive well.

You may be thinking,
if you are a guy who doesnt know driving: Tan you are still amateur dont worry.. you just practice.

If a girl who doesnt know driving: Tan you have a license atleast.. mayn I need to ask my mom what about me????

If a guy who knows driving: As long as you dont drive my car its ok! Drop it instead.. we all are there to pick and drop you! [atleast one less bad driver on the road!]

If you are my boyfriend: You wanna drive my car??? I wanna really watch you driving!! [please say no!! please say no!!!!!!!]

If you are my Dad: sloooowwwwwwwwww dooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwn!!! aaaaaaaaaaah!!

If you are a girl who knows driving: mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Different people different thinking, but the conclusion is the same " I need to drive!! And I am NOT gonna give up!!!".Period.

In this whole thing i forgot about the traffic police! How am i gonna tackle them?? But i better leave that to the money in my wallet!

Last but not the least, even if i dont learn driving on mumbai streets so well I am really gonna get an amazing oppurtunity to let my frustration out by giving innumerable swearings and abuses even if they are not applicable.. I'm sure only driving can give you that pleasure!! so.... bring it on!!!!!! :)